can you live in a shipping container?

Can You Live in a Shipping Container?

The dream of homeownership is quintessential to the American experience, but lately that dream has been tempered by the realities of a fluctuating market. Rising property values and a scarce market have driven the average price of homes through the roof. Compounded by the housing demands of the coronavirus pandemic and the precipitating urban exodus,…


A Growing Threat: Nuclear Bomb Fallout Shelter Can Calm Fears From the Ultimate Destruction

America’s list of adversaries is growing. Old nemesis, like Russia and China, continue to pose a threat to international security. North Korea’s bellicose attitude in flaunting its nuclear capabilities is downright concerning. Rogue states have also expressed their interest in acquiring a nuclear bomb as diplomatic leverage. America isn’t the only ‘big gun’ on the…

disaster shelters

Disaster shelters can restore your ‘peace of mind’ in a chaotic world

Knee-jerk reactions are an American pastime. Whenever sensationalism dominates the headlines, Americans panic splurge and hoard to head-off whatever invisible boogeyman perpetrates their thoughts. When COVID seeped into our daily frame of mind, millions of Americans hoarded countless roles of toilet paper. Did they even know what COVID would do to them? Hacking of the…

pandemic prepping

Pandemic Prepping: How an above-ground safe room or bug out shelter can provide superior protection during societal upheaval

March 2020 feels like a distant memory, but not so long ago the world felt as if it was coming to an abrupt end. As the COVID19 pandemic reached American shores, frayed nerves prevailed. People flocked to local super markets and wholesale suppliers to stockpile on food and copious amounts of toilet paper. Neighbors were…


Don’t settle for inferior protection from third-party and untested tornado shelters or storm bunkers

When it comes to safeguarding your family and loved ones, you should never settle for second-rate protection. With more than 40 years of metal fabrication experience, we’ve seen countless imitators come and go. And trust us, there are plenty of wannabes in the storm shelter game. Unfortunately, the industry is filled with shady salesmen looking…